Thankful Thursday – eating your words


Waterloo Icehouse breakfast – so good!

So, I knew that I would regret posting that spoiled brat kind of rant, but honestly it was kind of a distraction for things that were really bothering, but did not want to publicly rant about. I can say that they are resolved. There are some other matters that need to be taken care of, but I don’t feel so crazy stressed about things, and just have a general sense that everything will work out for me.

Ah, endorphins, in my personal exercise experience, I have come to the conclusion that even if I do cardio/gym stuff at night, that I should get some activity even if it is rather light walking, in before I go to work. The well-being of exercise really carries over into my daily activities and I feel very at peace. One thing that I notice that I am doing less and less of, however, is obsessively tracking my food, but at the same time, I am not really eating much of a breakfast (coffee) or lunch (cashews, almonds  and/or pistachios from the office), and really not eating a huge dinner (too broke to get fast food, hah!) This probably isn’t the best meal plan, as I am freaking starving right now. Not really attempting to starve myself, but  I usually will just forget to pack a meal and just  not that hungry in the morning. So, I need to work on that. Thankfully I had breakfast this morning, bacon instead of fruit, as pictured.
Anywho, the struggle not to become a cardio queen continues, my gym is going to be offering ballet classes, so that might be a cool thing to try and will sneak in some strength training because it feels so hard to to do it on my own gumption.  Oh, so very hungry, only about 90 minutes until I get to rock out with stir-fry yumminess.

A little bit empty-brained, so will sign off for now.

Industrial Apocalypse

Okay, yes it is already 12/21/12 in Australia, but let me have my fun. Hell, my wardrobe is kinda already based on this (well in my dreams) but yeah, in keeping with the theme of gratitude, I did receive some nice information in my inbox yesterday from a satisfied customer [why oh why does that sound way more dirtier to me than it needs to be].  PS: is this mix I am listening to really playing the Blade soundtrack, really BLADE? I know there were vampires in that movie, but come on that ish was played out even when I was going to raves in Mississippi about a decade ago. Some how that just sounds way more uncool that it needs to be, but..  oh yeah customer support, so here it is:


That’s me!!

Hell yeah, right?  Anyway, I am really tempted to bust open the pocket sized Maple Syrup Crown Royal our sales manager gave to us for xmas, but technically I am still on the clock, and I guess being hopped up on ridiculous amounts of sugar from the cookies is preferable than being happily buzzed (it really is a small amount). But anwyway, grateful for the happy comments that customers leave for me.  My company treats me pretty well, I do have to say. Every week we get a free breakfast to discuss ways to make the company better. Also, the benefits are pretty good, so I am grateful for that as well.  But to the more trendy of topics, I am thankful for the fucking apocalypse (KIDDING!) well maybe not  great for a laugh, btw. Anyway, here are some tunes if you really want to go all doomsday in your tunesday:

Anyway, this is the music I am listening to when I am sweetly resolving your technical issues, hah! Anyway, I just thought I would capitalize on this end of the world business. It would be cool if the aliens did come and visit us, but seems unlikely, or the existence of Jersey Shore diminishes their potential interest. I can’t say that I blame them.

Thankful Thursday

I spend a lot of time complaining and really, it just seems so stupid and just wrong. Everyone has a tough life to a certain extent even if you are showering in money, I am sure that there are problems that arise with that! Not going to beat myself up for complaining so much because that would be counter-productive. So, instead I am going to take a few moments to not focus so much on fitness, mainly because I did not really do anything last night, wamp wamp.

Well, I suppose I can do it with pictures from last night. Let’s start with those damn $1.50 margaritas. Even though this isn’t the most healthy thing to be indulging, my wallet is definitely thankful, plus the serving size for these are pretty small so my waistline is as well, teehee. What a great sunset we had last night, with the weather cooling off and whatnot, I just had to get out of the apartment. But, yes, here is some food, as unhealthy as it is, I ate “fancy” ramen noodles that were super spicy. The brand was Shin Raymun, and was about 560 calories for the whole thing, and probably had way more sodium than I need but boy they were yummy. The vegetable like things were pretty tasty as well!

It looks a little bit like brains especially with the spicy sauce. Happy early Halloweeeen!

For din din, my love cooked me a hamburger and it would have been low carb had I not immediately devoured (not shown) two slices of bread immediately after I ate the lettuce-wrap yumminess. He made the caramelized onions to go with it. Very sweet and sweet that he cooked me dinner. Oh jeeze, I think I am going to puke, haha. No, but seriously, I am very thankful to have such a thoughtful person in my life. We have had our ups and downs, but ultimately I think I am going to be wtih this person for a very long time, don’t want to jinx anything but really we ultimately are just the right amount of crazy for each other, haha I am kidding, but not really!

The visual appeal was kinda ruined when I added the dijon mustard, but still so very good!

The boyfriend also directed me to take pictures. He had the good idea to get the palm tree with the moon in the background, and I wielded the phone to snap the shot. Not the most professional, but in terms of composition, I think it is pretty good, and I am thankful that I can practice being creative so that I have more of a fulfilling life! Learning more that in terms of creativity, I am more of an execution and technical person, which kinda surprises me because I test as an ENTP,  but the Myers-Brigg happens to be on Quackwatch, believe it or not.


This looks like it could have been taken on the beach with the palm tree and sunset, but it was in the parking lot of Taco Cabana in Austin, TX!


Here is another atypical Texas sunset, reminds me of the beach, also.

We had some fun toward the end of the night. Here are some shots from the coolest bathroom in Austin at The Hole in the Wall on Guadalupe St. Fitting, haha.

I don’t know what a cakedump is, but it sounds painful!

Hey look, it is one of my favorite Pete Yorn songs.

I just really want to take the time to thank myself for being awesome. As cocky as it sounds, I may slack off at work from time to time, but after the documentation meeting, I realize that I am a powerhouse of productivity,  a one woman team for both documentation and support is pretty impressive, even if the volume is a lot less than say, a call center, it still makes me happy that I can pull all of that off, and while I don’t get paid as much as I think I should, I still get appreciation from my boss and respect from everyone in the company, and for that I am very thankful.