Random stuff

Thigh abductor muscles are very sore right now, and the pasta marathon continues, mmm vodka sauce. So far, so good on my makeup resolution. Every damn day I have been waking up before 7 at least to get on my face, but look at this I found a way to automate my choice of color for each day, behold the Thai solar calendar, yep, the four colors  a day was a bit overwhelming, especially since a lot of them were night-time colors.  So once, I get my eyebrows shaped (maybe Saturday?) will start doing selfies of my progress. Right now my pink eyeshadow is punctuated with Amy Whinehouse type batwing eyeliner.

A little bit of frustration today brought by HR failing to have our direct deposit checks for today. Boooooo! So instead of being able to mostly visit with my Lucy, I will be at the bank for lunch today. Lame. It isn’t so bad, though, as the weather has been craptabulous. Really, there wasn’t much walking yesterday. Too. Fucking. Cold! As much as I hate the triple digit temperatures from the end of May to the second week of September, I hate the 30’s even worse. I am a southern belle, y’all.

Cable is getting installed tomorrow, at least I am not paying for it, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the promise of a Honey Boo Boo marathon will be a challenge to my fitness endeavors.  This weekend I will have it all to myself, because the bf is going golfing in Florida this weekend. Lucky ducky, I am really jealous that he will get to enjoy tropical weather while I am freezing, but I will have cable and a sweet doggy, and truly what is there in life, right?  At any rate, I have 74 days until The Electric Run and besides just treadmill work, I have actually done some jogging on the pavement (with hills!!). Lucy is probably the best personal trainer I could have gotten. So very grateful to be able to spend time with such a loveable pup.

Anywho, here are some stats, y’all! The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 5,000 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 8 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Thankful Thursday

I spend a lot of time complaining and really, it just seems so stupid and just wrong. Everyone has a tough life to a certain extent even if you are showering in money, I am sure that there are problems that arise with that! Not going to beat myself up for complaining so much because that would be counter-productive. So, instead I am going to take a few moments to not focus so much on fitness, mainly because I did not really do anything last night, wamp wamp.

Well, I suppose I can do it with pictures from last night. Let’s start with those damn $1.50 margaritas. Even though this isn’t the most healthy thing to be indulging, my wallet is definitely thankful, plus the serving size for these are pretty small so my waistline is as well, teehee. What a great sunset we had last night, with the weather cooling off and whatnot, I just had to get out of the apartment. But, yes, here is some food, as unhealthy as it is, I ate “fancy” ramen noodles that were super spicy. The brand was Shin Raymun, and was about 560 calories for the whole thing, and probably had way more sodium than I need but boy they were yummy. The vegetable like things were pretty tasty as well!

It looks a little bit like brains especially with the spicy sauce. Happy early Halloweeeen!

For din din, my love cooked me a hamburger and it would have been low carb had I not immediately devoured (not shown) two slices of bread immediately after I ate the lettuce-wrap yumminess. He made the caramelized onions to go with it. Very sweet and sweet that he cooked me dinner. Oh jeeze, I think I am going to puke, haha. No, but seriously, I am very thankful to have such a thoughtful person in my life. We have had our ups and downs, but ultimately I think I am going to be wtih this person for a very long time, don’t want to jinx anything but really we ultimately are just the right amount of crazy for each other, haha I am kidding, but not really!

The visual appeal was kinda ruined when I added the dijon mustard, but still so very good!

The boyfriend also directed me to take pictures. He had the good idea to get the palm tree with the moon in the background, and I wielded the phone to snap the shot. Not the most professional, but in terms of composition, I think it is pretty good, and I am thankful that I can practice being creative so that I have more of a fulfilling life! Learning more that in terms of creativity, I am more of an execution and technical person, which kinda surprises me because I test as an ENTP,  but the Myers-Brigg happens to be on Quackwatch, believe it or not.


This looks like it could have been taken on the beach with the palm tree and sunset, but it was in the parking lot of Taco Cabana in Austin, TX!


Here is another atypical Texas sunset, reminds me of the beach, also.

We had some fun toward the end of the night. Here are some shots from the coolest bathroom in Austin at The Hole in the Wall on Guadalupe St. Fitting, haha.

I don’t know what a cakedump is, but it sounds painful!

Hey look, it is one of my favorite Pete Yorn songs.

I just really want to take the time to thank myself for being awesome. As cocky as it sounds, I may slack off at work from time to time, but after the documentation meeting, I realize that I am a powerhouse of productivity,  a one woman team for both documentation and support is pretty impressive, even if the volume is a lot less than say, a call center, it still makes me happy that I can pull all of that off, and while I don’t get paid as much as I think I should, I still get appreciation from my boss and respect from everyone in the company, and for that I am very thankful.

I’m losing focus

It is hard to write this because I feel like there are a lot of things that I want to do but some weird imaginary force keeps me back from them. In reality, there is no force, it is just me. I keep repeating to myself that things are going to be better in October, but are they really? There is an end of the month anxiety that I feel, maybe it is partly watching my bank account drain from the plethora of bills I am paying, or maybe it is just a disappointment of not having completed my goals from the month before and slowly watching my life dissolve in front of me. Fuck wrinkles, by the way.

Reorganizing my goals into categories helps but it really isn’t enough. I still have the desire to buy a new pink purse, or some other thing that I don’t really need in my life. It seems like it should be as simple as creating a flowchart with a basic question, “Does this action support or detract from reaching your goals?”..  With the obvious “support” -> do the action or “detract” -> don’t do the action, dummy! It should be that simple, shouldn’t it? I just wish that the desire to do to bad things wasn’t there.


Fucking autosave, I had all this stuff written down and now it is gone. Anyway, poached chicken = awesome and doesn’t cost me $400. Not technically, but yes, I ate sushi Friday, and since this is not yelp, not going to name names of this terrible place, but they had charged us $397.48, and let me tell you, it was good sushi but it wasn’t that good, and it was just a generally bad experience, and normally I would overlook something like this and just focus on the food, but Strike 1) the server made a snide comment about how quickly we ate. Strike 2, they made this terrible error, and then Strike 3, when we went into the place so they could cancel the transaction, they basically told us to GTFO in awkward English, sorry but it is true. I hate it when you cannot communicate dissatisfaction with someone because of that, you would think they would at least know that this was at terrible mistake and correct it, but there were a ton of people and it was a lot of pressure for us to leave. So, yes, those three things will definitely not make me come back there.

Because I have bitching a lot lately, I wanted to take a break and just express in reality, that though my student loan, credit card, and automobile loans might be almost unbearably high, last year at this time, I was living in a 300 square feet extended stay because of my bad credit and ended lease. Now, I am in a 1100 sqft place and have room to explore my passions such as dance, hooping and blasting tunes. I think there was more that I wanted to say, but I can’t remember it.

Day Ten

I am not sure why but after my Metal class, I have gotten in a great mood. Sipping on coffee, right now, but honestly it is just out of habit. All the yawning and stretching must have really woken me up. Early riser at 6:15 this morning, I completed my workout:

1) Ninja Jump Tuck 5 High Knees [7,6]

2) 2 Dive Bombers Plank Drunk Chicken [4,3]

3) 4 opposite knee to elbow, 2 alligator, 2 straight on [x, 2]

4) 2 pop up push-ups,  5 squat jumps [4,3]

5) Reverse Pull-ups One leg out switch legs after 5 using the Equalizer alternating side crunches instead [15, 20]

6) 4 Sumo Squats 4 Switch Lunges [5,3]

Kinda sloppy because I don’t have their same equipment, next time I will watch it all the way through first and figure out substitutions as I go along. Feeling like I have let my group fitness be abandoned, but I still have until August 19th to take 17 classes, so just have to get a bit more organized and get back on the ball with my to-do lists. Earth 60 was challenging, but the one thing I noticed is that there was music being played which I guess is cool, but I rather enjoy the silent focus of the other classes, not sure if maybe the heat being a bit turned down or the time of the day but I did not feel as present as I did with the Fire and Metal class (oh go on and admit that you just like them because they are called Fire and Metal). Heh heh heh, jokes aside,  even though they both had elements of Vinyasa, the symmetry and activation of the Metal made it feel hotter like a Fire class and thus letting me suffer enjoy the process a bit more. Sunday, they offer a Water class, may have to try this just to say that I have done them all.  The instructor says I should give Wood another try because it will strengthen my practice in the other courses, okay Jody, challenge accepted. Again, no affiliation with any of the things I discuss, in fact if they didn’t have  a low cost solution, i.e.: groupon, living social, or FREE, I wouldn’t have tried them at all.  Actually, the yoga place offers a $29 per month tuition with limited class schedules, but gives you access to all the different elemental focuses, and I think that is super cool.

Down to 121.8 this morning. Okay, so looking on the scale everyday is pretty psychologically unhealthy (especially when the numbers don’t reflect your effort) , but you can’t help but acknowledge it as a motivational tool. Losing weight is for the most part a game, if you play it correctly you will win. Of course, there are things you can’t control like water retention if you accidentally eat too much salt, but really, if you move more, eat less of the crap and eat more of the good stuff, you really can succeed. Maybe yoga is the catalyst for eating better, less stress = less stress eating, but whatever I have been doing, it has been working and I am so grateful to share my journey, also grateful that I can push myself to its limits. My smile is radiant, and my life is wonderful, and this weekend is going to kick so much ass. Happy to share with everyone who I can.